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3rd Hermeneutic Phenomenology Summer School & Phenomenology Conference

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Event Information

Thinking about thinking graphic on dark blue background
Dates of Event
16th June 2025 – 20th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
31st May 2025


The 2 options for this event are as follows;


Summer School running 16th-19th June 2025: 

This year’s in-person summer school at the University of Greenwich will focus on how to apply the principles of hermeneutic phenomenology philosophy and methodology to your qualitative research. The event is aimed at future and current doctoral students who are grappling with the relationship between philosophy and methodology in the design and delivery of their study. This interactive, in-person, bespoke event is an excellent opportunity to hear from renowned phenomenologists in your field: Prof Susan Crowther (NZ), Dr Mel Duffy (IRE), Prof Lesley Dibley (UK).  


Conference on 20th June 2025: 

This hybrid conference offers a unique, vibrant, friendly platform for the dissemination of findings from phenomenological research, and provides opportunity to evidence the value of the lived experience in designing, delivering and understanding education, health, and social care services. Keynote speakers: Prof Susan Crowther (NZ): ‘What do we mean by ‘lived experience’?’, and Dr Mel Duffy (IRE): ‘LGBTQ+ homecare in Ireland’. 

Attendee CategoryCost   
Conference - online£200.00

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