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Understanding Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Training & Certificate

Attendee Categories

Event Information

HACCP logo on textured background
Date of Event
8th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
7th April 2025


This course is designed to introduce the  seven principles of HACCP, a legal requirement.  The course is recognised by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH).  You will be given a certificate upon successful completion of this course and the examination. The day will cover the requirements to gain your RSPH Level 2 Award in Understanding HACCP.
Completing the Level 2 HACCP Awareness course ensures that your business has been sufficiently educated to practice due diligence. There will be a multichoice question exam which will take forty minutes to complete at the end of the session.
This course is suitable for any individual or business employee who is involved in the food industry and is interested in getting a qualification. 
The course will be delivered by Linda Nicolaides ,a food safety specialist with many years of experience supporting SMEs globally.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Ticket£60.00

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