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Developing Effective Multi-Stakeholder Maritime Labour Decent Work in the Oil & Gas Industry

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Event Information

Blue University of Greenwich Crew Logo on white background
Dates of Event
16th September 2024 – 18th September 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
9th September 2024


The course on Strategies for Developing and Implementing Effective Multi-stakeholder Maritime Labour Issues in the Oil and Gas Sector examines the characteristics and complexity of operations in the sector. The sector is an essential component of international trade and economic expansion. In the industry, the multi-stakeholder organisations' performance in the terminal, jetties and offshore environment is critical to effective and efficient operation for output optimisation such as in a country’s oil production quota. To effectively address maritime labour issues that have adverse impacts on productivity, safety standards, environmental degradation and community relations, collaboration to achieve decent work and cooperation in the sector is essential. 

The course with case studies and group exercises will explore key strategies necessary for decent work and effective cooperation and collaboration in the oil and gas sector. It will bring together stakeholders in the public and private maritime sector to address changes that necesitate decent work for efficiency. The aim is to build stakeholders capacity on how to develop the varied strategies and implementation of decent work specific to the oil and gas environment. Participants are expected from the oil and gas companies, governments and private organisations, human resource organisations, seaports terminals, workers representatives and stevedoring companies.


Resource persons who are industry experts and those from the academia will deliver the sessions. It will be delivered in persons by the Centre of Research on Employment and Work (CREW), at the Greenwich Business School, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom. 

Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Ticket£1100.00[Read More]

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